Kelowna Fringe Festival presents


Rating: All Ages
Venue: Black Box Theatre, 1375 Water Street (behind Kelowna Community Theatre)
Cast Members-Adam Weaver

Fresh off a triumphant run at the Vancouver Fringe Festival, Adam returns to Kelowna to hit it out of the park with his hilarious one-man show, Basebald. Join him on a wild ride as a balding young man chases his youth and dreams of hitting the fastest fastball ever thrown. This comedic tale of baseball, baldness, and impending parenthood is sure to leave you laughing and cheering. Don't miss this unforgettable performance at the Kelowna Fringe Festival!

Show Times: 
Thursday, March 20 at 9pm
Saturday, March 22 at 3pm
Sunday, March 23 at 7pm

Note-All ticket holders must wear a Fringe Festival 2025 pin. These are available online or at the venues for $5.



Advance Online $20 (+ fees)

Day of Show Tickets $25 (+fees)

Frequent Fringer (5 Tickets or more purchased) $16 (+fees)

Fringe Festival Pin $5 (one time only fee, must wear at all Kelowna Fringe Festival events)

*No Refunds, Exchanges or Latecomers