Art @ KCT

KPMG presents
ART@KCT Exhibition featuring Angela Wood and Kaylyn Hardstaff

Art @ KCT is a professional art exhibition within the lobby of the Kelowna Community Theatre presenting the work of visual artists from the Central Okanagan featuring accessible, thought-provoking visual art.

The program presents the work of a variety of local visual artists to showcase Kelowna’s expansive creative community and provides professional development and progression opportunities for local artists.

Currently featuring the work of artists Angela Wood and Kaylyn Hardstaff, this newest edition of the Art@KCT program highlights the work of two Okanagan artists working in diverse mediums.

Rhythm & Flow by Angela Wood

Above: Angela Wood's Rhythm & Flow

In the Rise exhibition space, Angela Wood presents Rhythm & Flow, a visual symphony of large-scale oil paintings. Wood describes her painting practice as “a form of dance – a careful choreography of brush strokes and colour mixing”. Her intentions are to offer a form of escapism, entrancing viewers with the playful and organic movement in her work.

In the Cube exhibition space, Kaylyn Hardstaff presents There is a light that never goes out. The series of graphite drawings focuses on fleeting time, precarious moments, light, shadow and how all of these concepts fit within interior spaces. After moving around Canada a few times, Hardstaff has taken an interest in the idea of home, interior domestic spaces, and capturing moments of comfort and joy found in each new space. The exhibition features 16 drawings of the natural light from her bedroom window moving across her first apartment in Halifax between 7 and 8:30 am, documenting the passage of time within her then home.

There is a light that never goes out by Kaylyn Hardstaff

Above: Kaylyn Hardstaff's There is a light that never goes out


Rhythm & Flow and There is a light that never goes out will be on view from May 17 - August 10, 2024 in the lobby of the Kelowna Community Theatre.



Submissions for the Art@KCT exhibition program for the 2024 exhibition calendar are currently closed.

2024 Application Deadline: October 25, 2023

View More Details Here