The C.R. Avery Orchestra & VICTORY ON EAST HASTINGS, a cinematic opera

the C.R. AVERY orchestra &
VICTORY ON EAST HASTINGS, a cinematic opera



After the ghostly ushers from ancient Galway have lead you to your seat and the time-machine-lights of the Theatre have dimmed, you’ll know that you’re about to witness something special going down.

VICTORY ON EAST HASTINGS is a feature film that transcends the ordinary ‘night out on the town’, with C.R. Avery narrating the entire tale with two dancers in toe while performing sections of the score live and direct. This is showbiz baby with C.R. and his crew pulling out all the stops to bring the circus to town, like a traveling opera, or the vaudeville cabarets of yesteryears.

All bets are off, good people, as cinema is about to have an affair with a rock and roll revival show. Boom to the zoom Mo’fo’s, here comes the ultimate love letter to East Van, that's also a ghost story that must be witnessed live.